Bone Collector
sponsored by Kraver's Seafood Restaurant
Mobile Leadership Series Presents...
Seats, Vendor Booths, and VIP Seating Opportunities
Admission to this event begins at $100 with
special table opportunities up to $2,000.
VIP Front Row Package ($2,000)
1 Table (Front Row)        8 guests per table
Dinner                               4 photos
VIP meet-and-greet
To Purchase Table/Vendor Booth Packages or Individual Seating
call: 251.661.1649
or click: to view the order request form

Maps and Directions
VIP Package ($1,500)
1 Table (Second Row or Behind)     8 guests per table
             Dinner                                   4 photos
VIP meet-and-greet
Vendor Booth Package ($250)
2 Individual Seats         Dinner
10 x 10 Booth

Individual Seating ($100)
1 Individual Seat                 Dinner
Individual Photos ($50)
This event sponsored by...
Thursday February 26th at 6 PM
at "The Grounds" (Greater Gulf State Fairgrounds) in Mobile, AL